Saturday 22 September 2012

How my summer went by

Hello everyone and happy Saturday! I have a difficult for question for you: what would you do if you were functional only 3 hours a day?

As you may have noticed, my postings have been incredibly sparse since we got back to Canada. I could blame it on our move back, on the theft that we were unfortunately victims of, on the fact that my son was at home with me most of the summer , or on the fact that we had relatives visiting for most of the month of August.

Yet the explanation is different. My summer has gone by in a blur of nausea, drop-dead naps and ensuing epical headaches. You may guess: I got pregnant!

I had imagined the summer as a succession of slow days of biking (I was going to get my first bike), working at the local library in the morning while my son was at camp, and slowly getting settled back in our home while spending quality time with him. Rather I have not been myself. I actually had to switch my son from half- to full-day camp because I physically did not have the strength to take care of him after lunch -- when I conked out for at least two hours, and often three.

Now that I am well into my second trimester, the fog that had wrapped around my head in the past four months like it was the Bermuda Triangle seems to have finally lifted. Not only I can go the whole day without having to pass out on the couch for half an hour, but my brain is functioning again!

During this whole time, I have actually been writing a bit, so stay tuned for a number of back posts, our series on Fall fashion (finally), and a new series about maternity dressing!

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful! Congratulations on the pregnancy. Hope all the morning sickness, headaches and tiredness go away soon or at least ease up. Take care.



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