Wednesday 20 February 2013

The blur

Hello everyone! Are you having a good week?

My baby boy turned three weeks on Monday. This time has been filled with all around love and happiness in our family. My husband cannot get enough of him. My older son cannot stop giving him kisses. My parents arrived to meet our bundle of joy when he was just two days old, and their visit went surprisingly smoothly (thank you, hubby dearest). In fact, for the first time in a while I could not help back the tears as I waved them goodbye yesterday, although I was looking forward to fall back in our usual routine.

I have been enjoying the past three weeks to an extent I could have never anticipated. After my older son's birth I had had a lot of health problems related to breastfeeding, which had made it impossible for me to have some quiet time to bond with him. This time around, on the contrary, breastfeeding has been going quite smoothly so far, which has given me the opportunity to fully enjoy every moment of my baby boy's life. The past three weeks have been a content blur of feeding and sleeping according to my baby boy's schedule -- thank to my husband and parents who have kept me well fed while holding the house running.

There are ups and downs as it is always the case with a newborn. I smile as I am finishing this post because I had started writing it on Monday, when the baby had been surprisingly "on schedule" and I had felt rested for the first time. Yet yesterday was one of those days when the baby just wanted to be held, and I had to wait for my husband to come home from work in order to take a shower. Nonetheless I am now gradually getting back into normal things -- the first on top of my list being blogging. I have so many posts to finish and catch up with, so stay tuned!

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