Sunday 5 May 2013

Thoughts on a Sunday evening

Hello everyone! Do you like Sunday evenings?

Generally I hate them. The weekend is over. I am stressed about making sure that everything is ready for the week to come, beginning with school uniforms. I am particularly cranky when my housekeeper texts me that she will come on Tuesday, rather than on Monday, morning, because then I have to clean the kitchen and tidy up the weekend mess myself.

Not tonight though. I am sitting under our lilac tree with my baby boy asleep in my arms. My older son has discovered April Fool's stickers in his favorite magazine and is having a blast sticking them everywhere. I have some quiet time to revisit the weekend, which was a pretty good one. On Saturday morning I successfully kept my first beauty appointment since my baby's birth, and got my hair colored, cut and coiffed. Later in the day, after my son's soccer game, we had our first picnic followed by a relaxing afternoon and dinner with friends on our patio. I had a terrible night, but this morning I caught an almost two hours nap while my baby boy was asleep and my son was watching a movie. I caught up with all. my. favorite. blogs. (A first in the three months since my baby's birth). I wrote new posts and scheduled a few for the coming week. I got my sandals out of storage.

Who cares about the pile of dirty dishes, or the fact that tomorrow I need to start hunting for summer clothes that fit me. This is a pretty perfect moment.

P.S. This photo by Peachy Peonies totally inspired me to put lights on our lilac tree. Stay tuned for pictures!

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