Saturday, 19 November 2011

Birthday party bricolage!

I envy those creative moms who can always come up with new, interesting projects to entertain their kids. I have a few qualities, I think, but that is not one of them. I thus felt quite proud of myself today, because I was able to organize and coordinate a bricolages at my son's birthday party that the kids adored. Since we are close to Christmas, I decided to let them make their own Santa. I printed out on regular paper a standard-looking Santa, and then I bought supplies they could use to "dress" him: red felt fabric for his clothes, cotton for his clothes' trim, black felt for his boots, gold foil for his buckle, and glitter to give a magic touch to the whole thing. It was a success! The kids were really proud with their creations and, for once, I was not envious of anyone else.

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