Sunday 1 June 2014

The forgotten blogiversay

Hello everyone! Have you ever forgotten something that means a lot to you?

This year, I have forgotten our blogiversay. In my defense, I have been sick every.single.weekend in April except for Easter. This includes a major episode of strep throat on the eve of my departure for the US, which sent our entire family for screening. (Thanks daycare bacteria! You really worked overtime this year. How about you go on an early vacation then? I surely won't mind).

The ensuing conference felt more like rehab, due to a stoned-like-feeling induced by the antibiotics and the two-year long sleep deprivation. I was so glad I left anyway though because I would have never been able to stop breastfeeding otherwise. 

Yes, the baby weaned.

Yes, it turns out it was a bit of weaning-related depression the way I felt in April -- sicknesses aside.

All in all, I came back from the US refreshed and completely appreciative of how my husband had kept the house running while I was gone.

But. A few days after I got through the pile of laundry that was waiting for me upon arrival, I realized I had forgotten our blogiversary. I felt so sad because the past year has been great for this blog. I have been able to push it forward even with a one-year old and a job and a house to take care of. I added a new platform and started a trend.

Thank you readers for always being there. Even when I forget.

Photo: Oh Joy.

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