Monday 18 August 2014

Goodbye summer!

Hello everyone! Are your summer holidays over?

We have come back from Italy a couple of days ago and I am spending this week to catch up with everything before school starts and my brother- and sister-in-law come to to visit us next week. I am glad I took care of at least a few things before we went to Hawaii but I still feel overwhelmed by what is left (I am looking at you, gigantic pile of laundry).

In spite of the jet-lag, I feel rested. I feared that spending two weeks at my parents' country home was going to be boring, but it turns out that we all needed it. Even my son, who did not get to play much with other kids (the little country town being a case-study for Italian low fertility and ageing population), needed the rest and the home-cooked meals. 

New academic year, here we come!

PS Every time we come back from Italy, I enter a sort of food depression (remember when we came back from sabbatical two years ago?) and I vow to commit to cooking. I spend the first few days buried under a pile of magazines and ripped off pages. This time my good start (life is paved of good intentions uh?) was this shrimp risotto, which turned out soooo yummy!

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